09 June 2007

3 weeks and counting

The tickets are booked.
We're working on logistics daily... which includes research, networking, designing trainings, praying about objectives, and saying goodbye to this blessed community in WNC.
I would love to say that everything is coming together... well it is, in Africa. Lessons of faith... He will give us the sense of things 'jelling' as we go. It'd be too easy if it were all planned perfectly... plus we'd think it was all because of our effort, not because of His sovereignty. It will come together.
We will leave on July 1st and land gently off this international cliff into the arms of our friends Mutodi and Leslee in Johannesburg. After a week we are on to our friend, Lisa Frist, in Maputo, Mozambique. Then the Ministry of Hope in Lilongwe, Malawi for a few weeks and maybe our friends, Mark & Ruth Walkup, in Zimbabwe on our way back to South Africa. We hope to make it down to Cape Town and to Lesotho to visit with the Dimmocks. We plan to go to Madagascar from Sept. 2-12 with a day lay-over in Johannesburg before flying to India.
So, that is the first few months. We will keep you posted as we go.
Please keep us in your prayers as we work on logistics. Pray that we will sense Christ walking with us, leading us, each step of this journey. And that we will culturally sensitive along the way.


Anonymous said...

Hey Heather & Hope! Heard about this trip from Hannah via Alethea. Hope you have a great time. Good luck and God Bless. Liz H (yes, THAT Liz). BTW, if you want to get in touch, my email is the same...

Anonymous said...

So excited to find this! :-) It's nice to see your smiling faces! I'm just catching up on your entries...looking forward to it! :-) xoxo