Much has happened since my last post 4 years. Unfortunately I
haven’t followed up about bumps in my journey, kept up with sharing some
life-changing joys, or stayed in contact well with the many people who took
part in our life-changing year! After this quick update, I plan to reach out to
people from our adventure to learn what is new in your faith journey and kingdom
work while inquiring who are the leaders and what are the leadership styles
which have influenced you most. I’ve designed this to be a part of my focus
during my last semester of seminary. I will be graduating in December 2015 with
a Masters in Theological Studies in Christian Leadership from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina!
Back in October of 2008, I had a health issue involving serious
vision problems and headaches. Turns out that the Neuro-Ophthalmologist was
wrong… the issue directly stemmed from my mountain bike accident in 2001. A physical
therapist diagnosed the problem: my occipital muscle was inflamed due to my not
fully recovering from the bike accident, therefore it was causing severe head
pain and pinching my optical nerve causing drooping and double vision. With the
help of physical therapy and the continued care of my chiropractor (especially craniopathy),
I’ve improved! I still get headaches fairly regularly but my vision is back. Thank you for your prayers!
Richmond Smith and I are celebrating our 5 year anniversary
this November!! It was an amazing community celebration consistent with my
out-of-the-box, experiential style. We have been incredibly blessed with a home
and our beautiful daughter, Iona Grace. She is named after a very special place
in Scotland. She is fun, smart, and amazing… not that I’m bias at all.
God’s timing is perfect which we often don’t see until
hindsight. I’ve been wonderfully blessed to spend the last 8+ months taking
care of Iona while I finish seminary. This wasn’t our original plan. After my
maternity leave from the YMCA of Western North Carolina in winter 2014, I
worked and took classes for 9 months until my position was dissolved due to
budget issues in January of this year. It’s made things a little tight,
especially with tuition bills, but it’s been worth it! I won’t get this
precious time with Iona back.
Another blessing for where God has me right now is that I’ve
been able to spend more time with my parents who live in Black Mountain where I
lived for many years (20 minute drive). They retired in 2009 which brought them
back to North Carolina. Unfortunately, my mother has struggled with Chronic Lymphocytic
Leukemia (CLL) which returned this Spring. My father has also been struggling
with the beginning stages of dementia and major digestion issues which landed
him in the hospital twice this summer. Please pray for healing, restoration,
hope, and joy is spite of these challenges.
Another change has been in my faith community. We’ve been
active with the Haywood Street Congregation which is best described as ‘holy
chaos.’ Haywood is a diverse community centered on Christ. I connect well with
the unexpected, relational, Spirit-led, unconditional love they exude! If any
of you ever comes to visit, I would love
to share this community with you.