How has God refined our project? What does it look like exactly?
First, we yearn
to connect with the Body wherever we can. In fact, we recognize that God has given us the unique opportunity to network
with and for others, so we're constantly trying to keep our eyes, ears & hearts open to His will. Some examples include the research that I'm doing about youth work (below), but they also include the day-to-day "survival" in trusting that we'll find places to rest, paths to take, people to support, and conversations that facilitate fellowship.
Second, I desire
to gain a global perspective on work with youth culture... specifically to learn about the ministries, the missions, the visions, the issues youth are facing in different communities, the testimonies, the histories, the populations served, what’s working, what’s not working, new ideas, frustrations, etc.
Third, we desire
to serve others in any way we are capable:
Leading workshops for youth workers on "recreational ministry/evangelism", so they can learn to use informal fun games/activities to share Scripture with youth in an
experientially-educational way. Ideally, the workshop lasts 3 hours long, and the attendees invited to participate are those who lead youth and/or minister to youth in some capacity. We don't need any special equipment -- just a few recreation/soccer balls and any kind of open space to play games (inside or out)!
Leading youth in recreation ministry activities. An efficient time frame would be about 1-1½ hours in order to keep within youth attention span.
• Serving in anyway we can to help meet a program’s needs: build, paint, clean, cook, baby sit, network, teach, listen, encourage, ... we’re open to suggestions.